Our mom was so many beautiful things: a daughter, a sister, a wife, a mother, a grandmother and a friend. She thrived. She struggled. She loved to learn. She is our inspiration for our work and how we parent. She was so proud of us for pursuing the need for education around positive body and self-image. She completely adored the fact that we created a scholarship encompassing photography and creative writing to empower students ~ our mom was a passionate, well loved and respected teacher. Perhaps, without knowing it, her most valuable lesson to us is the importance of self-love. May she be remembered for her bravery, her strength and her unconditional love. Her legacy will live on in the Judi Jackson Scholarship Fund created in her honor.
This is our core and strength of Photo Divine. If you are wondering how we can be in business with family we will tell you this… If we fight, we make up. If one of us doubts, the other one trusts. We buy each other lunch and bring each other coffee. We vent, we bitch and we laugh until our guts hurt. We take turns complaining and giving advice. We have the same parents and therefore most of the same problems, most of the same memories and for the most part (thanks to Jed, Steve, Odin, Asher, and Mae) the same joys. Most importantly, we are loyal as hell and to have someone that you can always lean on is to have everything.
842 1/2 Main Ave., Suite 200
Durango, Colorado 81301